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About Wedding Blessings
first and foremost, THANK YOU for wanting to bring marriage into God's Church.

What is a Wedding Blessing?

About the ceremony.

What is the cost of a Blessing?

Do we have input 
into our ceremony?

What about music?

Can confetti be used?

Can photos be taken during the Blessing?

Are there times when we cannot book a Blessing?

How many guests
can we have?

What do we do next?

Many couples who have already had a civil wedding decide that they would like to dedicate their marriage to God soon afterwards.

If you are thinking about this then a Wedding Blessing could be for you.

A husband and wife may be able to have their marriage blessed by David whether they got married in New Zealand or abroad.


For couples who were married abroad, this can be a way of ensuring more family and friends can celebrate the marriage if they were unable to travel to another country for the legal marriage.


This "Blessing" is a service of celebration, prayer and dedication.


It is a simple service acknowledging the commitment already made between husband and wife during a civil ceremony and asks for God’s blessing and guidance in their new life together.


Because this is NOT A MARRIAGE SERVICE, there is no exchange of rings and there is no signing of the Register.


The service can be designed to include hymns, readings, and flowers if you would like that, or it can be an intimate, low key service.

The fee for a Wedding Blessing is NZ$500 which includes all pre-service administration, presiding at the ceremony, issuance of a certificate etc.

The Blessing Services is taken from the NZ Anglican Prayer Book, but there is flexibility in the choice of prayers, readings, music etc. that you may wish to have.


All these, and more, can be discussed with David and your planner when arranging the Blessing.


Your Blessing ceremony usually takes between 30 and 45 minutes. If you need more time, just please ask David.

Our organist\pianist can be available to play at your ceremony.


You need to plan music for a processional (wife walking down the aisle), and the recessional (the couple leading us out from the ceremony).

One or more suitable hymns may be sung at your ceremony.

Just discuss your musical requests with David and your planner.

Always striving for "clean and green" Blessings, David advises against confetti (but do check with your venue co-ordinator and\or wedding planner). David suggests that fresh or dried rose petals are an acceptable alternative.

All local photographers and videographers know David and have worked with him before and are always extremely professional and respectful and this ensures that there is no distraction from husband and wife.

You may book your Blessing for any day\time of the week, with the following exceptions:

  • Sunday mornings,

  • Christmas Day, and

  • Holy Week (the week before Easter)

Limited only by the capacity of your chosen venue.

David is ALWAYS more than happy to discuss your Blessing in more detail.


Please feel free to contact him via


We look forward to working with you as you prepare for your special day. God Bless.

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